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  Button Super Capacitor    

Super Capacitor is a sort of electronic parts for energy storing, which can discharge
huge power and work in wide temperature range (-25 ~ +70o C), is considered as new
Green Energe resources of generation.
Super capacitor which stores energy mainly depends on the double electricity which is
formed between electrolyte and electrode. The capacity is intervenient between
ordinary capacitor and rechargeable battery.
Compared with rechargeable batteries, (like Ni-MH and Li-ion Battery), super capacitor
owns much higher power density and much more cycle times. Compared with
ordinary capacitors, the energy density of our super capacitor will be 100 times above.

Model Voltage (V) Capacity (F) Resistance (Ω) Size (ΦD x L mm) Weight (g) Spec
LSC414 2.7 0.06 ≦150 4.8 x 1.4 0.08±0.01 Download
LSC621 2.7 0.3 ≦120 6.8 x 2 0.18±0.02 Download
LSC927 2.7 0.7 ≦30 9.5 x 2.7 0.46±0.03 Download
LSC2016 2.7 3.0 ≦12 20 x 1.8 1.60±0.03 Download
LSC2032 2.7 6.0 ≦5 20 x 3.2 2.40±0.03 Download
LSC2430 2.7 8.0 ≦3 24 x 3 3.30±0.05 Download
LSC2I414 2.7 0.03 ≦300 4.8 x 2.8 0.20±0.02 Download
LSC2I621 2.7 0.15 ≦240 6.7 x 4.2 0.40±0.03 Download
LSC2I927 2.7 0.33 ≦60 9.5 x 5.4 1.00±0.05 Download
LSC2I927L 2.7 0.22 ≦100 14 x 13.5 3.10±0.02 Download
LSC2I1620L 2.7 1.0 ≦30 20.8 x 6.7 6.05±0.02 Download
LSC2I2016 2.7 1.5 ≦24 20 x 3.2 3.52±0.04 Download
LSC2I2032 2.7 3.0 ≦10 20 x 6.4 5.05±0.05 Download
LSC2I2430 2.7 4.0 ≦6 24 x 6 6.70±0.05 Download

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