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Theories & Concept

Polymer Lithium-ion Batteries

For charging a Li-ion battery pack, set the charging voltage to 1.0V x number to cells connected in series+0.5V, and the charging
voltage should to 4.2V x number of cells connected in series at the maxinmum. it is absolutely probibited to charge any battery
having a voltage less than 1.0V per single cell. Do not exceed the specified charging voltage 4.2 x number of cells connected
in series.

For Discharge the Li-ion battery at the specified discharge current 91.5CmA) or less. In the case of a pulse discharge, set the
mean current to 1.0CmA or less. A leak current to the battery charger or similr causes may over-discharge the li-ion battery.
Efforts should therefore be made to minimize leak current of battery charger.


Button / NiCd / NiMH Batteries

In Nickel Cadmium batteries, Nickel funtions as the positive electrode and Cadmium as the negative. While in Nickel Metal Hydride
batteries the negative electrode is the hydrogen absorbing alloy.

The potassium hydroxide, which is usually used as the electrolyte in batteries, enables high energy density, excellent charge /
discharge and thermal characteristics.

A highly safe structure is designed for LeoPro batteries: the rigid stainless steel case has a high endurance to high pressure. in
addition, a gas release vent is devised to guard against increased internal gas pressure generated by improper use of batteries.


The oxygen yields from the positive electrode can be effectively absorbed under normal conditions due to the using of advanced
technologies in plate producing and the higher capacity of the negative compared with the positive electrode.

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